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This Cyber Research Systems Model 101 Series 850 Infiltration-Combat Unit was sent back in time from 2032 to 2004 by Kate Connor to protect her younger self and her future husband, John Connor.


Although physically similar to the T-800, the T-850 possesses a number of noticeable differences; The T-850's appearance is an aged version of the T-800 and lacks the sense of humor exhibited by its predecessor. It almost seems to stand up for itself when it replied that it is a "cybernetic organism", not a "Robot", as John had stated. Although originally programmed to follow any and all orders from Kate, it could override this default programming and trap her in the back of her truck against her wishes. It states that one of its basic subroutines deals with human psychology, and despite its lack of humor is still able to make an emotional connection with John when he fights the T-X's reprogramming of his systems and again later when he says goodbye to John.

Publication Information
  • Cyborg : T-850
  • Alias : T-850, T-101
  • Gender Program : Male
  • Status : Destroyed (Original body)
  • Activated (New body)
  • Destroyed in : Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines (original body only)
  • Series : 850
  • Model : 101
  • Features : Bulky
  • Occupation : Assassin (formerly), Protector
  • Relationships : John Connor (mission priority), Katherine Brewster (mission priority)
  • Affiliations : Resistance, Skynet (formerly)
  • Franchise(s) : Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines
  • First Appearance : Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines
  • Last Appearance : Terminator 3 : The Redemption
  • Portrayer : Arnold Schwarzenegger
Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines

When it emerged from its time displacement sphere in Joshua Tree, California, it went to a club to acquire its clothing and then proceeded steal a truck and got sunglasses. It approached Connor in a veterinarian clinic where Brewster worked and took the two with him in the back of a van to escape the T-X sent to kill them. While driving, John asked him about its memories, assuming that this would have the same memories as "Uncle Bob". It stated that the Terminator sent from last time was a different unit and he was chosen by Skynet for infiltration due to John's emotional attachment.

At a graveyard, the three went to Sarah Connor's grave. The Terminator dropped her coffin to find weapons inside. When the police arrived, they got out and confronted the T-X. Later, at a campsite, the Terminator revealed that if the T-X failed to kill John and Kate, it would kill John's future officers as secondary targets, including Kate's father, Robert Brewster. While driving, the Terminator revealed that it was Katherine who sent the machine from the future, not John, because the Terminator killed John before being captured and reprogrammed by Kate.

In the Cyber Research Systems facility, the Terminator battled with T-1 units. It also fought the T-X, but lost, resulting in it being infected by the T-X's nanites. Controlled by the T-X, the T-850 began to attack John and Kate, but shut itself down to prevent itself from killing John when he confronted it with the conflict between its current actions and its primary programmed mission to protect them. Later it rebooted, regained control of itself, and again battled the T-X at Crystal Peak after hijacking a helicopter to follow John and Kate.

Although crashing the helicopter on the T-X only damaged its legs and its external appearance, the damage delayed it long enough for John and Kate to retreat into the Crystal Peak bunker. When the T-X attempted to follow them, it managed to detonate its last hydrogen fuel cell to destroy itself and the T-X, ramming the power cell into its' opponent's mouth, its last words being to inform the T-X "You are terminated". Realising that the Future War has now begun, John muses that all he can do now is follow the Terminator's example and never stop fighting.

Terminator 3 : The Redemption

It is revealed that after the explosion of the hydrogen fuel cell, the T-850 survived, but it was heavily damaged and barely "alive". John Connor removed its CPU upon finding the T-850. Several years later, John insert the chip into an FK Reaper during the future war. Thus, the Terminator is brought back to be fully operational again, fighting along with the Resistance, albeit in a very different body.


  • Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines
  • Terminator 3 : Eyes of the Rise
  • Terminator 2 : Infinity (Mentioned only)
  • Terminator: Revolution (Flashback)
  • Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle
  • Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines (novel)
  • Terminator Dreams (Mentioned only)
  • Terminator Hunt
Video games
  • Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines
  • Terminator 3 : War of the Machines
  • Terminator 3 : The Redemption
Related Post :
Source : wikipedia / terminator.wikia
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