The Nano resin is a type of material with extremely tiny size created by Skynet that utilized on the cyborg T-3000 Infiltrator.
When infecting a human via a T-5000, the entire genetic code of human body will be rewritten and organic tissue will be completely replaced with the resin. This causes them to develop a healing ability similar to that of a T-1000, but to a far greater degree. It regenerates as if the machine were a human being, starting with a mechanical "skeleton", then adding muscle mass, then skin of the person being mimicked, then finally a set of clothes. Any of these layers can be modified on the fly, such as changing from street clothes to body armor, but such changes are purely cosmetic.
Infiltrator Series
- Standard : 600 - 700 (799) - 800 (8xx) - 900 (950) - 1000 (1001 - 1002 - XA) - X - 5000
- Human Infiltrator : I825.M - I-950 - T-H (Ultra-5000) - T-3000
- Other types : TS-300 - Class TOK715 - Rat robot - Dire Wolf
- Outer sheath : Rubber skin - Living tissue - Duroplast - Mimetic polyalloy - Nano resin
The resin's regenerative capabilities can be impeded by magnetic fields, which negate their ability to hold the resin-created body together. A significant electromagnetic influence such as that of a rudimentary, incomplete piece of Time Displacement Equipment can completely destroy the resin.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / terminator.wikia